Toddler Favourites

Toddler Favourites

Some links are part of the Amazon affiliate program, and if you buy something from the link, I will make a bit of money.

Go Coconut Play Couch
I absolutely love this thing. I was super excited to buy my daughter one as it looked so fun, and it’s come in handy so many times! We both sit on it when we play on the floor, it’s been used as a makeshift bed when we were trying out a floor bed before buying a full frame (and would be perfect for any sleepovers or mini guests!), my daughter loves to climb all over it, it’s been used as a tunnel and fort set-up, and now it is sitting in the corner of our living room, set up like a little chair, perfect for adults and children alike to sit and read or play on.

We’re not millionaires, so we only bought a half coconut, which has been great! Do I wish we could have had a full one, complete with the fun extras? Yes. If you can afford it, go for it all! But, if you’re wondering if even spending a few hundred bucks on a play couch is worth it, just do the half. Still tons of fun and so useful – without fully breaking the bank.

Oh, and it’s Canadian, so yay! Shop here.

I saw one of these on Instagram and thought how ridiculous it was that someone had this in their living room…and then, my daughter got older and I realized how amazing it is to have a tiny climbing structure for her to play on and get her energy out – especially in the winter months. We’re building a kind of playground downstairs so that when we get snowed in, we won’t lose our minds.

Anyways, this is the pikler we have and we love it!

Toddler Cushion
We have a pretty low table (the plain pine table from IKEA), so she outgrew her Stokke Clikk high chair quicker than she should have. Her knees started hitting the table and didn’t look very comfortable, at all. So, we bought her a little cushion, in this super cute design, to put as a booster seat for her on a regular ‘big girl’ chair. It’s perfect! Easy to wipe clean, and the cover can be washed.

Indestructible Water Bottle
At first, I thought it was a bit much spending over $20 on a water bottle for my 1 year old, but it turned out to be the best thing. She has thrown that thing all over the place, and yet, it’s still looking fine! Yes, a couple of dents, but they’re small and at the bottom, and the function is a-okay. I didn’t want a plastic bottle, and love that it’s stainless steel.

Mega Blocks
My daughter got a pack a of these for her birthday and she absolutely loves them! They’re easy for little hands and do not hurt if stepped on, like Lego does. Buy them here.

Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site
A bedtime favourite in this house. It’s fun to read, long, without being too long, and my daughter loves it. One of our favourite books, for sure!

Also, need another book recommendation? What about the one that I wrote and my friend illustrated! Check it out here. And, buy a copy, if you want to be cool.

Magnetic Tiles
These things are seriously cool. I love playing with them, my uncles love playing with them, any engineer will love playing with them. Most importantly, toddlers love them. They’re also perfect for road trips as you can fit them into a small bag and they stick to one another. Buy them here.

Fat Crayons
I got these fat crayons at Zellers (a Canadian staple that needs to come back fully, not just a small pop up!), and they’re perfect for little hands. For those worried about what the crayons are made out of, these look great! I haven’t tried them, as the price tag is a liiiitttle more than I care to spend (and I already spent more than I needed to on crayons in a children’s store in Antibes), but for those with the right budget, something a little better for everyone sounds lovely.

Crayola also makes these egg shaped crayons that are perfect for little hands that aren’t yet sure as to how to hold a pencil or a crayon properly just yet. Perfect for scribbles and learning fun. These were in my daughter’s stocking last year and they’ve lasted a loonnng time!